Horse care learning online
Practical Tasks
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Complete these tasks to ensure you are prepared for this unit of the stage 1 exam.

Task 1

  1. Learn all the names all of the grooming kit items correctly.
  2. Practice using all the grooming kit items correctly.

Task 2

  1. Practice picking out the hooves correctly.

Task 3

  1. Practice grooming each area of the horse's body correctly, using the appropriate grooming items.

Task 4

Practice grooming different types of horses with the appropriate grooming items, include:

  1. grass-kept horse. 
  2. stable-kept horse.
  3. moulting coat.
  4. clipped coat.
  5. horse with sensitive skin.

Task 5

  1. Practice grooming a horse prior to exercise, using the correct exam techniques.

Task 6

  1. Practice grooming a horse wearing a rug, using the correct exam techniques.

Task 7

  1. Practice grooming a horse after exercise, using the correct exam techniques.

Task 8

  1. Learn all the parts of the external foot.

Task 9

  1. observe a farrier shoeing a horse.
  2. take a photograph of a hoof before being shod.
  3. take a photograph of the same hoof once it has been shod.
  4. compare the differences between each one.

Task 10

Choose a shod and a barefoot equine:

  1. Take a photograph, once weekly, of the underside and top area of the hoof in between the re-shoeing or trimming date. This will allow you to compare the different stages of hoof growth between being shod or trimmed.

Task 11

  1. Take images of the following:
    1. hooves with risen clenches.
    2. hooves with cracks in the hoof wall.
    3. over-grown hooves.
    4. a thin, worn shoe.

NOTE: Before taking the stage 1 exam, ask a BHS instructor to observe you completing all these tasks.

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